Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Disney Trip

Monday, March 16, 2009
Book Drawing
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bulgarian Charity
Hidden Veggies

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Come What May and Love It
Tonight I was blessed to be asked to go to a long time family friends home to give them much needed hair cuts. Both the husband and wife are older. She is bed ridden and has disabilities relating to a stroke a number of years ago. I know when I go over it will not be a short visit. However each time I go I feel enriched from their example of eternal love. He cares for her so sweetly feeding, changing, and caring. The bed is perfectly made so she wont get sores or be uncomfortable. He cares for her so sweetly and dearly. I usually bring Miranda with me, when I dont he asks me to bring her next time. It was so cute how she gives him hugs and kisses and holds her hand and gives her kisses. A couple hours after we left I got a phone call from him thanking me and telling me how much it meant to him for us to come over and how I am teaching Miranda so well. She melts his heart. He even volunteered to watch her for me if I ever need his help. He is a wonderful example of "Come What May and Love It" .
Pearls of Great Price
I love this talk by Pres Utchdorf, "Happiness our Heritage. I was wondering if I need to put off my desires to create but when I listen to this message it says to me that God has given me that desire and it is a blessing to have these abilities. I can bless others with my talent.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Princess Dresses to Make

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Give me your hungry, your poor and your recipies!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Miranda Quotes
One day she asked for "Bagel candy" = life savers.

She has given both Joe and I labels. I'm her "Twin", and Daddy is her "Buddy". Oh Ralph, the dog is her Buddy too. She will not budge. I can not be her buddy.

This one is especially sweet. First thing one morning Miranda comes running in to me and says "Mommy, I feel Jesus in my heart."

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One night we were eating dinner and I hear a very adult sounding voice say, "So Mommy, hows the laundry?"

We have been trying to keep Miranda in her own bed at night. She gets lonely and tries to convince us that she needs to sleep in our bed. One night she is not only tired but daddy is out of town. I am in bed and she comes to me crying. "Mommy I need to sleep in your bed, it is so "cute," I need to sleep in the cute bed."

I have flashes of Miranda being a teenager. She informed me on the way home from preschool that her and Devin "broke up". AHHHH.

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I have a lil fashionist on my hands. She asked me the other day. "Do I look FABULOUS or STYLISH? I replied she looks both fabulous and stylish. I was then instructed to pick one not both.